SUN REAL Renewable Energy Systems

SUN REAL is a major provider of off grid, hybrid and grid connect power systems in North East Victoria. We also provide reliable electrical services.

SUN REAL is a major provider of off grid, hybrid and grid connect power systems in the North East of Victoria. Our work is highly regarded within the industry and has been described as the "best seen in Victoria" by our accreditation body, the Clean Energy Council.
The quality of our installations and customer support are also highly regarded by our clients who have for many years been our primary source of referrals.

SUN REAL Electrical offers prompt service and a high standard of work. With dedicated support staff in the office, we can arrange appointments and answer any queries quickly and efficiently.
Our reliable and efficient electricians are available throughout the local district for all domestic repairs, maintenance and new wiring jobs. We have extensive experience in dairies and other rural work.
Ring the office anytime or call Paul Larkin directly on 0439 655 757.

Professional services